Join Our Personal Stylist Community


Being a self-employed personal stylist doesn’t mean you need to do it alone.⁠
⁠You were never meant to do it alone – the secret to success is having the right team around you and the right information to grow your business.

⁠⁠That’s why we created our Personal Stylist Community, and it’s filled with support that’s tailored to personal stylists, meaning that you don’t have to work out how what you’re seeing might apply to what you do. You just need to make it yours.

Who are we?

Something quite unique. We are a fun, friendly team of style professionals who have recognised the power of working together to support, inspire, encourage and empower each other and our clients; celebrating each other’s successes along the way and helping each other grow. As a growing business we adopt the mindset of helping others be the best they can be, this includes individuals in the styling industry whether they have trained with us or elsewhere.

Our business is all-inclusive and we have a wealth of individuals who take pride in being part of our team. We welcome any professional in the personal styling and related industries to join our thriving community for many opportunities, and if you join at the same time as training with us, you’ll receive a discount on your course.

How does it work?

We welcome new and existing stylists to join our team, naturally we want to ensure you share our values and so will organise to have a chat and discover how we can support you and your business. Once approved, we will welcome you to a private facebook group and ask a few questions to feature you on our website. The benefits and opportunities within the group will then be at your fingertips.

We have three different member types to choose from depending on the level of support you need, and we have a wealth of knowledge and experience within our team so you can start learning and growing your business instantly. Book a call with us below to chat through your queries, or download our Member’s Community PDF here for more information.

How do we support our members?

To help our members grow their business, incentivise and feel part of a team, we give our members access to;

  • Business mentoring
  • Online tutorials
  • Confidential community
  • Event opportunities
  • Styling projects
  • Workshops
  • Regular meet-ups
  • Client referrals
  • Business professionals

We’re constantly looking at new ways to support our members, and in doing so have fostered a thriving community of positive, like-minded stylists and business professionals. Have a look at the table below to explore more benefits of our Business Growth Community, and compare our three membership types to see which option might be right for you…

Benefits & Features

Facebook Group Access
Members Portal
Discounted Training
Personal Stylist Directory Feature
Mentoring with an Experienced Stylist N/A
3 Month Check-in with Business Coach
*additional charge applies
Specialised Masterclasses
Mentoring & strategy development support with an experienced coach
Mastermind Sessions
Cost £25 £55 £95

How to stand out from the crowd as a personal stylist

Struggling with visibility as an existing stylist? Unsure what makes you unique? Overwhelmed by and underprepared for your competitors?

Download our free guide to learn how you can increase your visibility and stand out from the crowd as a successful personal stylist.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! Anyone is welcome to apply to become a member of our community wherever you studied in styling or another industry. We welcome new stylists, existing stylists and those considering a route in to styling.

Our members community is based around personal/fashion styling & image consulting, all professionals from related industries are welcome within our team. However, if you are a business professional that feels you can add value and bring your skill set to our group there are always opportunities to explore, please contact us to discuss further.

The million dollar question! The answer is yes, sometimes. You will have opportunities to work with clients (voluntary or paid), although our aim is to help you grow your business to attract your own clients. Sometimes you could gain clients; this depends largely on your location, cost and target audience. However, we must stress that we are not categorically an agency to supply work to stylists, we offer business support to help you grow your own!

There are many suitable candidates for our community; from influencers to business professionals, although a large majority of our team is made up of personal stylists. All that we ask of our members is to respect the ethos of our community and get involved in discussion regularly.

Yes! Getting a head start is so important when considering your business tools for start-ups so wherever you are on your journey you are welcome to apply to our community.

We are a UK based business, with benefits to members in any regional location. Our face to face meet-ups are located in central London & Bristol although much of our content and engagement is online through digital meet-ups and within a private facebook group. We have stylists in various locations across the UK so there may be someone close to you. Please contact us for more information.

In order to cover basic costs within the group, we charge a fee relevant to the membership type. There is a one-off  joining fee of £50 followed by a monthly subscription of £20 (team member) or £50 (business member) please contact us for more information about each type.

Get in touch with us so we can organise a convenient time to chat, when we have a good insight to your requirements and an understanding of your business we will send across a simple form to complete to apply for access, we will then send a payment request and add you to our private facebook group. Following this we will ask a few questions for our website and request some pictures. You will gain everything you need within our group.