Meet Jo, a personal stylist dedicated to helping clients discover their unique style and make smarter style choices. With over 20 years in the fragrance and beauty industry, Jo transitioned to styling in 2020 out of a love for style and a desire for sustainability. Now running her own successful business, Jo combines her marketing expertise with a passion for personal styling. Read on to find out more about Jo’s inspiring journey and her tips for those considering a career in personal styling.

Q: Hi Jo, it’s wonderful to have you here! I’m excited to hear all about your journey and what life has been like since you fully committed to your styling business.  I would love to know what you did before becoming a stylist.

A: I was in a Head of Marketing role overseeing new perfume launches for designer fragrance brands; Versace, Moschino, and Michael Kors. I had been in that particular role for 16 and a half years and in the fragrance and beauty industry for 20 years. I loved being in the industry, but after a while I began to see there were lots of similarities between fast fashion and how perfume and cosmetics are produced and sold, e.g., reliant on mass consumption and not very sustainable. I felt it was time to move out of the FMCG world (the fast-moving consumer goods industry) and onto something more meaningful.

Q: That’s fascinating, it sounds like you had an incredible career in the fragrance and beauty industry, working with some amazing brands. What age were you when you decided to become a stylist?

A: I did my training in 2019, so I would have been 41 at the time. I had thought about it for some time before that and had even made notes on my phone some years before—a brainstorm of all the things I could do if I had a styling business! It was only when I bumped into an old friend at a birthday party that she told me she’d been working with a stylist. It had completely changed how she shopped for the better. Shortly after that, I signed up for a personal styling training course.

Q: That’s amazing, Jo! It’s inspiring to see how a chance encounter with a friend led you to pursue your passion for styling. Why did you feel personal styling was the job for you?

A: I’ve always loved fashion. I studied fashion management at LCF but when it came to applying for jobs potentially as a fashion buyer, it didn’t feel right for me. The concept of fast fashion was starting to accelerate in the early 00’s, clothes were becoming cheaper and therefore more disposable. Several years later, I added up how much I had spent on buying clothes from Zara and Topshop in one year, and saw it was thousands! I was shocked, so I started to change my own spending habits, buying quality over quantity. I realised I wasn’t the only person who was spending more than I needed to on fast fashion, I wanted to be a stylist so I could help clients make better choices and save money in the long term.

Q: That’s such an insightful perspective. It’s clear that your personal experiences have deeply influenced your approach to fashion and sustainability. So, how does personal styling fit into your life?

A:When I started my business in 2020, just before the first lockdown, it was very much a side hustle. I was doing this alongside a hectic full-time job managing a small team. In 2023, my business started gaining momentum, and I was starting to get regular bookings. Then,  in January 2024, I realised it was make-or-break time. I couldn’t carry on with my full-time job and grow my business; it was time for a change, and it felt like now or never, so I finally took the plunge and went full-time with my business in April this year.

Q: That’s incredible, Jo! It must have been quite a leap of faith to go full-time with your business, and I can clearly remember you telling me what your plans were.  So, what’s the best thing about being a personal stylist?

A: I’ve always wanted to do something meaningful that involves helping people. When I read a review, it’s so lovely to hear what a positive impact a styling appointment has made on a client’s life and their well being. I also really enjoy running my own business; it’s great to be able to have the autonomy to develop and steer your own path. This is rarely an option in the corporate world if you’re an employee.

Q: That’s wonderful to hear! It sounds like being a personal stylist is incredibly fulfilling for you, & I can really see the passion shine through.  So, what’s been the greatest challenge in your styling career so far? 

A: Gaining regular clients and planning where future sales are coming from. As an employee, I didn’t have to think about this in such detail, but now that I’m responsible for my entire business, this is now at the forefront of my mind!

Q: Yes, I am sure a lot of stylists can relate to this; it involves switching that mindset and thinking in a completely different way than when you were employed.  More of a personal question: how would you describe your own style?

A: Ooh, I would say it’s classic with a contemporary twist. Having worked with many French and Italian fragrance brands in the past, I love the chic style of French dressing and the glamour of Italian brands. I’ve always had a love of beautiful soft fabrics and prefer to spend a bit more money on luxury items and investment pieces where I can.

Q: Your style sounds fabulous. I love how you have drawn inspiration from some brands you have previously worked with.Moving onto our community, you are part of our stylist community, What do you enjoy the most about this?

A: I love how everyone is so approachable and down to earth; it’s great that we can ask a question in the community and get advice from each other.

Q: It’s great to hear that the community is so supportive, and I love how we have created this at The Image Consulting Company. We love having you as a valued member of the community, Jo. Now moving onto training, if you have completed any training courses with The Image Consulting Company, how did you find the training?

A: I completed the Masterclass in Advanced Colour and loved it! It was great to expand my knowledge on the subject, and Emmeline is so knowledgeable. I also attended the masterclass with Melanie Porto on tailoring, and that was really interesting too.

Q: I love how you took up the opportunities to attend these sessions and build on your knowledge; it will really help you when you work with your clients. What advice would you give someone who was considering personal styling as a job?

A: I would say just go for it! Once you get started, you will be learning something new every day.

Q: That’s excellent advice. Starting can be the hardest part, but it’s encouraging to know that being a stylist is so rewarding.  What do you know now that you wish you knew at the beginning of your journey?

A: Probably the importance of knowing who my client is, when I started, my client was everyone! As I progressed, I realised I had to narrow it down to a niche. At first I didn’t want to do this, as I felt it was alienating potential clients, but then I realised you cannot be all things to all people. By knowing your ideal customer, you can develop your services just for him or her, and it helps when marketing services too, as you know who you’re talking to.

Q: That’s such valuable insight, Jo! Understanding your ideal client truly makes a difference, and you are not alone. Many stylists and business owners think the same thing when niching down. For the last question, what does the future hold for you?

A: Incorporating my marketing experience into my services, I’m currently working on a personal branding style package. In the future, I’d love to expand my business further, even having a team one day so I can help more people.

Combining your marketing expertise with personal styling will surely offer unique value to your clients. It’s been wonderful hearing about your journey and insights. Your passion for helping people and your dedication to sustainability shine through in everything you do. We can’t wait to see where your journey takes you next. Thank you for sharing your story with us!

May Jo’s journey inspire your own styling endeavors, whether you’re starting a new path or looking to advance in the field.

To connect with Jo, you can follow her on Instagram here @joboydstyling

Jo also has a free capsule wardrobe guide, which you can download here