The overspill of a pandemic, the aftermath of brexit, the end of a royal era, a government that’s barely survived – an economic crisis to ice the cake. It’s no wonder 2022 has been a hugely challenging year for many businesses. We’ve seen stylists quit, some finding another source of income and others steering their business in different direction. It’s been quite the $*it show. 

We decided to take on a mammoth task at the end of last year which pushed every boundary we had as a business and a team without knowing how challenging this year would be, but still we pursued. We pushed through, we took a hit, we made some mistakes, we learnt some lessons, we vowed never to take on so much again and I almost quit! 

When times get tough it can feel foggy, you can’t think straight, you feel paralysed, like dragging a fully packed suitcase through a field of sticky mud, alone, in heels, in the middle of a hormonal meltdown. 


Even if that were to happen, you work through it, it passes. You find a way to get to the other side. You do that because you have to. You’re a strong woman and you know you can. 

So why do we get emotionally attached to our businesses, take on too much, then feel like a failure when we don’t achieve what we set out to do in the time we expect ourselves to do it? 

Because you’re human, it’s perfectly normal. But you’re not the only one it’s happening to. 

Even though you feel like you are the only one, I guarantee you’re not alone. When you‘re working for yourself it can feel like a lonely space, we drive ourselves insane in our own heads, societal pressure takes it’s toll and then…you quit. Everything you have worked towards goes out the window overnight. 

Does any of this sound familiar to you?

I know what that feels like because I’ve been there more than once. It’s the reason I’ve made a few business decisions in the past that have turned out to be wiser decisions than I initially thought, giving me confidence in my business and realising I don’t have to make decisions alone.

I want to share a few of these with you because if you’re emotionally attached to your business in the way I have been, if you’ve ever felt at a loss with your business direction or if something’s not feeling quite right for you, there’s a chance something here might help open up a thought process in your mind to help you navigate a better way forward: 

Working together with others
After an unfortunate incident with a ‘competitor’ in my early years of business, I knew I wanted to share space with others in the styling industry and collaborate rather than compete, so this has been my mantra ever since. Bringing stylists together to support each other has benefited me personally, my business and others in so many ways. Rather than looking at others as competition, find a way to work together, support each other and maybe collaborate or become a leader in your niche.

Finding a business strategist
The best decision I have made for my business was creating more structure and working with a strategist. Prior to this I didn’t really know how to plan effectively. Having someone to share the highs and lows, someone to guide me, to help me work out the great ideas from the less productive ones, someone to support my action plan and help implement the work has been a game changer. I would highly recommend working with another business professional to help you sound out your ideas, level up and challenge you where you might not do so yourself. 

Not being afraid to fail
This has been quite a block for me in the past, working towards ‘creative perfection’ and striving for everything to be ‘just right’. It holds you back, let me tell you that much. Sometimes it still does and is a work in progress, but I have learned that creating a successful business is about making those mistakes and failures because without those, how do you know what’s right for your business and what isn’t? Regardless of peer pressure and society’s standards do what you feel is right for you, just do it, live, learn and grow. 

Reaching out for support 
We all need cheerleaders. This is true in life, love and business. You and your business need external support so you can get out of your own head and in to a business leaders frame of mind. Support can come as little or as often as you wish from many different places. Sometimes you have to seek it out and find those people who are as much of a cheerleader your business as you are. Whether that’s through a collaborative business partnership or a personal connection. Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help. 

I genuinely want your business to be as successful as you do, which is why I set up a community of personal stylists that help each other navigate business together with great support. Come and chat to me to find out how your business could thrive with a little extra guidance.